Manchester History Center
Hours of operation can be found on the Events page, by clicking here.

We have been rehabilitating this historic structure, adding a ramp, a new roof, and fixing the large windows (click Window Project for a reprinted article on that effort). The History Center contains our administrative offices and a museum store, and most events are also held in this unique building.
We continue to seek grants (and volunteers!) to improve and preserve the building. Some day it will house our library and museums, as well as providing archival storage. Currently our Loom Exhibit is being created on the lower level (Forest Street side) of the History Center.
The Manchester History Center is located at 175 Pine Street.
Driving Directions to The Manchester History Center
From Hartford, eastbound on Route 84, Exit 59 to I-384 East.Take Exit 3 off I-384. Right off the exit ramp onto South Main Street. At the first light, take a left onto Hartford Road. Take the second right onto Pine Street. The History Center is on the right, at the corner of Forest Street. The parking lot is just beyond the building.
From Providence, R.I. and Bolton, CT, westbound on I-384 West.
Take Exit 3 off I-384. Left off the exit onto Charter Oak Street. Straight through first light (intersection with Main
Street), and stay straight -- name of road changes to Hartford Road. Take the second right onto Pine Street. The History
Center is on the right, at the corner of Forest Street. The parking lot is just beyond the building.