So. Manchester, Conn., U.S.A.
In this picture are shown high speed French "broad goods" looms. These looms are the latest development in weaving machinery and are specifically constructed with a view to high speed. The frames are made very stiff and strong and the harness is moved by a special arrangement of cams which does away with the use of cards. They are run at speeds ranging from 180 to 250 revolutions a minute, depending on the quality of the warp rather than on the ability of the machine. An ordinary loom runs about 150 revolutions a minute, and it is evident that the high speed loom has a large advantage over this as regards production. However, because of the cams the high speed loom is limited to fairly simple weaves.
In the picture two looms are shown facing each other. The cloth already woven is wound on the beams below. On the loom at the right, the harness is shown at the right central part near the edge of the picture, and next to it, the lathe carrying the reed. The warp beam is at the back, out of the picture. The levers which control the harness may be seen projecting into the picture in the extreme right upper corner. Backs of filled quills are standing on the ends of the looms, and a glimpse of a shuttle carrying a quill within the shuttle box is given in the lower right hand corner. Filled shuttles ready to be inserted into the shuttle boxes are shown on the fronts of the looms.
For pictures and contemporary information on the Weaving Mill in the
"Cheney Brothers National Historic Landmark District" page, click here.