"Manchester Carpets - Pinehurst"
This photo shows midtown Manchester � a shopping area on Main Street near the corner of Middle Turnpike. Ken Burkamp,
a professional photographer for more than 50 years, took this photo on February 22, 1958, and has donated it to the
Manchester Historical Society. Thank you, Ken.
The �Pinehurst� section of town comprised Oxford, Cambridge, and Essex Streets, housing developed by E.J. Holl
(1874-1967), a real estate entrepreneur who was born in England and used British place-names for the streets in Pinehurst,
as well as for the streets in Hollywood, another area he developed.
Following are comments received from those who responded.
If you would like to add more comments, please click here
• Richard R. commented that he really misses the Main Street businesses from the old days -- "the Thursday night
shopping, cruising and general socializing."
• Jackie M. said the date of the Carpet Store photo is significant -- and that on "February 22, 1958, there was
probably a BIG George Washington's Birthday Sale. Way back then it was a BIG SALE time for the Main Street merchants, not
like now when all the department stores/business establishments have some kind of a BIG SALE every day/week!"
• Bruce Anderson of Tuscon, AZ sent in this: The corner of Main Street & E Middle Turnpike is where we lived...
it was our home. Just up the street was the Manchester Armory where we cheered our basketball hero Earl Yost and his
signature, long overhead shots. It was a great neighborhood, a great time... the place I wish our children could have
grown up in. Thanks for the memories, and thanks to Ken Burkamp a fellow Manchester High School 1955 classmate. I grew up
on 85 E Middle Turnpike. My mother would take us grocery shopping, a short walk to Pine Hurst Grocery... every body knew
everyone in the store. I remember the war years and ration stamps... while she shopped mom would send my sister and me to
scour every inch of the store looking for ration stamps folks had dropped. It meant more butter, sugar, milk, meat on our
table and of course cigarettes. We grew up in the most beautiful years in Manchester.
• John Sobiski of Lancaster, CA wrote: I used to live around the corner from where this picture was taken. This
picture was taken on Main St, just south of the intersection with Middle Tpke. Pinehurst Grocery was right on the corner
of Middle Tpke and Main. The parking lot was across the street on the northwestern corner of Main and Middle Tpke. During
the winter Mr. Gorman would plow a pile the snow after a storm to one corner of the lot. We used to play on "the Mountain".
The store closed down in the mid 1970's when the owner, Mr. Gorman, passed away. The building was torn down when the
intersection was renovated. The Majewski family owned the Armory Package Store for a time. I don't remember the Carpet
Store but the Armory Tavern must be right next to it. It became a strip joint for a short time in the late 1970's when the
town allowed it. It is now the Main Pub.
• Historical Society member and volunteer Dick Jenkins remembers these names from the past at the Manchester
Armory and surrounding neighborhood:
> Tommy McNally
> Bobby Knight
> Jackie Allen
> Ray Felix
> "Big Buck" Bycholski aka Bruno
> Joe Benson
> Jimmy McKeogh
> Roy Clapp
> Ted Bantly
> Honest Douglas, "The working man's friend"
> The Memorial Corner Store
> Vichi's Radio and Appliance
> Billy Johnson
> Carter Chevrolet
> Quish Funeral Home
> The DeNies twins
• From Bruce Anderson, thoughts & remembrances on some of Dick Jenkins' names of above:
> I went to Hollister with Tom McNally.
> Bobby Knight, Bruno, played basket ball with Earl Yost... Manchester ? Team name ?
> Roy Clapp everyone feared his souped up blue Ford but some Triumph super bikes in our gang beat him dragging... He
didn't take it too good.
> "Honest Douglas" Ford dealer across from Armory on Main St. Ed. note: To read an interview of "Honest Douglas"
Dumas in the
"Reprints" section of this website, please click
> Ted Bantly's gas station & fuel oil co. $.19 per gallon.
> Memorial Corner Store... DePeitro family owners, Corner of Main & Haynes St... The Clapps lived in back on Haynes St.
> Vichi's Radio & TV Gerry's father... Used to hang out and learned how repair TV and radios from him.
> Carter Chevrolet next to Douglas Ford... Donny Wilson's old man was their chief mechanic forever. Dick Carter MHS
'56 ?
> Quish Funeral Home corner of Main & Hollister... Quish brothers were handsome dudes... Girls went for them.
> Deniese twins Marlene & Marilyn... Hollister school.
> Also: Stuart Cheney & girlfriend Dorothy hung out at Soda Shop next to Pinehurst Grocery, last booth in the back,
long black coat,
black gloves and large black umbrella rain or shine.