"Mary Cheney"
Mary Cheney (1855-1934) in a portrait by Sandra Wakeen in the Mary Cheney Library. The portrait was created from a photo of "Miss Mary" taken on her twenty-first birthday. In a recent history walk, we explored the area of Mary Cheney's gardens behind a mansion on
Hartford Road, now greatly changed by the construction of I-384. Click
here for an artist's view of
the gardens.
Following are comments received from those who responded.
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• On the Historical Society's Facebook page, this portrait is shown; and with it are a number of "likes" by
viewers, and the comment from Linda Pagliuco, "I can't even estimate how many times I stared at that portrait as a
kid." This information was forwarded to artist Sandra Wakeen, by Susan Barlow. Ms Wakeen responded,
"Hi Susan,
Thanks for sending this to me. It�s quite a compliment all these years later. I have such fond memories of painting this
portrait of Mary Cheney, and my years living in Manchester. There were so few pictures of Miss Mary to choose from, and
what was there was in Black and White. It was quite an honor and a challenge at the beginning of my portrait career to do
this painting. I appreciate the support.