"34 - NassiffArms"
Halloween at Nassiff Arms in this November 1, 1958 photo by Ken Burkamp. At that time, Nassiff Arms (with
Nassiff photo shop) was on Main Street and Maple, Downtown. Note Finast (First National Store), now Webster Bank,
on the right side of the picture. Later, both Nassiff Arms and Nassiff Camera Shop moved further north on Main
Following are comments received from those who responded.
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Chuck Gelletly writes: My father took me here to buy a bat and ball. Many years later, Nassif moved to 991
Main, formerly the location of Murphy's Restaurant and Bowling Alleys, now the home of East West Bridal and also
a karate school. What happened to Nassif Arms?
From Frank Grimason, whose family lived on School Street, quite close to Norman Street: The Nassiffs were
our neighbors. They lived on Norman Street in a house the was built by my great uncle, Senkbeil, John Knoll's
brother-in-law. When I say built, the house was made of concrete blocks and he made every one of the blocks by
casting them in a form and slowly put them place one by one. I've been in the house many times, as one of the
girls - Teresa - was my brother's age. I knew the whole family. I bought my track shoes from Freddy Nassiff in
1951 so I could run in the Turkey Day Race. They ended up having a store in Willimantic.