• Ron Lewis writes, to Susan Way:
Hi Susan -
I have recently been corresponding with Susan Barlow at the Manchester Historical Society. In a recent newsletter, she
mentioned the Buckland Times. I grew up in Buckland but up until now, did not realize that there was a Buckland Times. I
really appreciate the nostalgia presented in the articles.
Of particular interest to me, was the article on Thresher's Pony Rides. I worked there for several years and regret
not having any pictures to show my kids. My first job was as a pilot. Not flying anything but cleaning out the manure from
the barn and I would pilot (pile it) outside.
My older brother worked there from about 1954-1957. I overlapped by working 1955-1959. At that time, it was Bob
Thresher's business. Bob was like a second father to me. I worked at the Pony Ring in Buckland and also travelled to the
numerous fairs setting up the rides and putting the kids on the ponies. It would be absolutely wonderful if you had any
pictures of Bob Thresher that you could send. They would be cherished possessions to me. I knew Merv, but he never really
got involved during those years. Bob helped so many kids back then that I have always wanted to see some kind of memorial
marker honoring him. My multiple degrees, career success and life savings barely compare to the joy I experienced working
for Bob Thresher at his Pony Rides... in Buckland.
My final year of living in Manchester was 1972. I came "home" to Manchester from my career stops in New York,
Virginia, Ohio, Washington DC, and New Jersey to visit my parents at Christmas time each year. My folks died several years
ago but Buckland is still a fond memory.
Thanks for your wonderful articles. I do very much appreciate your sharing them.
Ron Lewis
• Susan Barlow replies:
Ron, thanks for including me on this email. You were just a little kid yourself in 1955, no? About 9 years old?
• Ron Lewis responds:
You are correct. I was just a kid which is the magical part of this story. I earned enough money at the pony rides to
buy a professional set of drums that helped me earn money for college as well as have a lot of fun. The strong work ethic
I learned from Bob Thresher helped me to have a successful career and make it to retirement. I'm not sure how Bob was able
to pay us kids. We weren't on a payroll. He would pay us generously from any cash he took in from the pony rides. i don't
know how he ever made any money from his hard work.
• Susan Barlow responds:
A great experience for you, and a testament to the power of a loving and patient adult.
Webmaster Note: An article on the Thresher Pony Farm can be accessed in the "Reprints" section of this website
by clicking here.