Whiton Library Brochure

published circa 1950, measuring 3" wide by 5" tall

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Whiton Library...

85 No. Main Street, Manchester

Monday-Friday, 2-5:30, 7-9 P.M.
Saturday, 2-5:30 P.M.
Closed all day Sunday and Legal Holidays.


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Whiton Library was first established as a Loan Library in 1895 by the Ever Ready Circle of King's Daughters. The venture was a success and it soon outgrew its quarters, a Room in the Patten and Brown Building.

In 1898 the Town assumed direction and its next home was the McCormick House on North Main Street.

Growth went steadily on from year to year until the Library was again handicapped by lack of space.

Upon completion of the Robertson School the Eighth District offered a large Room in the new Building and the Library was housed there until May 1932, when it was moved into the spacious Library Building made possible by the generosity of Doctor and Mrs. Francis Whiton.

At this time the name was changed from the Manchester Free Public Library to the Whiton Memorial Library.

Since then the number of Volumes has increased from 7,753 to 18,000, and the circulation more than doubled -- 57,604 in 1950.

Four daily newspapers are available in the Reading Room and the Library subscribes to 71 Magazines, many of which may be borrowed for Home Use.

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Books and Services FREE to all Residents of Manchester.

A charge of $1.00 per year to out-of-town Borrowers.

HOSPITAL BRANCH SERVICE with permanent collection of Books.

BRANCH LIBRARY ROOMS at Bowers, Buckland and Hollister Schools, Children's Librarian in charge.

CLASSROOM COLLECTIONS in Elementary Schools.

MUSEUM open for special occasions. Manchester War Records on file.

AUDITORIUM with up-to-date Stage and Lighting.

Phone 6892

Webmaster's note: For a short biography of Dr. Francis H. Whiton in this website, please click here.