From 1960 to 1971, the Manchester Herald ran a column named "From Your Neighbor's Kitchen". This proved so
popular that they undertook to print spiral-bound booklets of the recipes and the contributing Neighbors, and
gave them (for free!) to the newspaper's subscribers.
In this segment you'll be able to see each of those booklets and, more importantly, be able to see and link
to the recipes, with the information in sortable table columns, on a year-by-basis. You'll also be able to see
a composite grouping of ALL recipes shown annually, also sortable and individually selectable.
To access the yearly booklets by themselves, click on the desired year...
1960 Booklet
1961 Booklet
1962 Booklet
1963 Booklet
1964 Booklet
1965 Booklet
1966 Booklet
1967 Booklet
1968 Booklet
1969 Booklet
1970 Booklet
1971 Booklet
To access the various recipes in each year, in a sortable and selectable table, click the desired year...
1960 Recipes
1961 Recipes
1962 Recipes
1963 Recipes
1964 Recipes
1965 Recipes
1966 Recipes
1967 Recipes
1968 Recipes
1969 Recipes
1970 Recipes
1971 Recipes
All Recipes